Also known as sit tall... Don't slouch!

unhealthy sitting slouch


1. Head sits anterior to the body. Neck muscles support the weight of the head which leads to tension in neck muscles.

2. Shoulders rounded and chest muscles shortened to increase the risk of developing a work-related upper limb disorder. Organs are squeezed.

3. Lumbar spine slumped and knees above the level of hips. Leads to increased pressure through the lumbar discs and excessive ligament and muscle stretch in the lumbar spine.


Healthy/Sitting Tall

1. Head is balanced on the vertebral column. Neck muscles are relaxed.

2. Open posture with chest leading and shoulders back creates the correct balance between neck, shoulders and upper limb muscles.

3. Lumbar spine upright and knees below the level of hips. Increasing the angle between the trunk and the thigh encourages the spine into an upright posture which may reduce and even disc pressure.